The Circuit Showmanship contest

Congratulations to the winners of the 2023 The Oklahoma Circuit Showmanship contest! 

The Oklahoma Circuit is an in state competition within “The Circuit” hosted by the Goat

Gab Podcast, a nation wide showmanship contest for youth dairy goat exhibitors. The

Oklahoma Circuit is an opportunity for the youth of Oklahoma to compete within the state

(Oklahoma Circuit) for awards while also competing on the national level (“The Circuit” hosted

by the Goat Gab Podcast).

The 2023 Winners!

Sponsors for 2023

A big thank you to everyone who sponsors the Oklahoma Circuit Showmanship Contest!

Sunflower Farms

ABACA Nubians

Morning View Farm

Prairie Thyme Farm

Become a sponsor for 2024!

Sponsors for 2024

Prairie Thyme Farm